You are invited to our beautiful church!
Christ Chapel welcomes all believers and visitors with or without a church background to a loving, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ, and participation in Christ’s community of faith. We at Christ Chapel lift up Jesus Christ from beautiful Lake Havasu City to the world. We are a family of believers proclaiming the astonishing message of a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. Whether you are a part-time or year-round resident, we invite you to join us in worship and fellowship!
3450 Chemehuevi Blvd,
Lake Havasu City, AZ 86406
Sunday Services:
8:30 AM Traditional
10:55 AM Contemporary
(928) 855-7230
Get Connected
Our desire is for you to find our worship services uplifting, with a message you can take with you, for your week ahead.