
Worship that’s dynamic and intelligently informed…

Our worship in the Sanctuary is led by Dr. Bybee and numerous excellent musicians. Each week provides a variety of vocalists, choirs, the worship team, the praise band and organ. This “upbeat” worship experience is the perfect rich and dynamic sound of hymns and praise choruses. Our desire is for you to find our worship services uplifting, with a message you can take with you, for your week ahead.

Our church is Christ centered and Bible based.

Come and worship with us! We are here for YOU!

Christ Chapel Lake Havasu City Arizona

Ministries and Activities

Ladies Bible Studies

Wednesdays at 9:00 AM, Fireside Room

Thursdays at 9:30 AM, Fireside Room

“Daughters’ Dwelling”

A ladies evening Bible study/fellowship held every 2nd and 4th

Men’s Bible Study

Wednesdays at 9:00 AM

Contact: David Bybee

Congregational Care

Deacons provide leadership for our 12 “parishes”, support the local food bank, visit those dealing with illness in the hospital or at home and lead the church family through numerous other activities.

Contact: the church office

Prayer Chain

Members participate in confidential prayer. The Chain may be activated by calling the church office with prayer requests.


Available upon request.

Contact: church office


A interdenominational youth ministry (pre-K thru 12) committed to “reaching boys and girls with the gospel of Christ & training them to serve Him.” Partnering with the Havasu Alliance Church, the weekly club sessions feature three segments: game time, handbook time, and council time. Kids memorize Bible verses and do activities ranging from patriotism to community service.

Contact: David Bybee

Resumes in the fall.

Desert Mariners

Fun and fellowship through get togethers over dinner, speakers, activities the 2nd Saturday of every month unless otherwise announced.

Contact: Oct. through April.


Adult Bell Choir and Chancel Choirs rehearse each Wednesday evening, September through May and participate in worship services weekly. Both Choirs are directed by Steve Wayman.

Contact: S. Wayman

Golf League

A golf league meets Friday mornings at Bridgewater Golf Course unless otherwise announced.

Contact: church office

Church Office Staff

Rev. Dr. David E. Bybee, Pastor

Darlene Barr. Office Manager

Barbara Masden, Secretary

Heidi Bybee, Ministry Assistant

Mark Sylvester, Youth Director

David Donovan, Visitation Pastor

Dr. Doug Los, Organist

Alan Temple, Technician

Luke, Janitor